We’re constantly analyzing our product offerings to make sure you, as an RVer, have the best possible protection customized to fit your travel needs. We’ve recently re-introduced our most popular program, the Viking Protection Plan, and made some modifications to some of our existing policies.
In this post, we’ll define those changes.
Viking Protection Plan
Our first big update is the reintroduction of our best-selling extended service contract: The Viking Protection Plan. This rewrite aims to better serve RVers with language that is easier to digest.
The coverage is equally as extensive, but we’ve consolidated the contract into a few pages versus many. We’ve also partnered with a new administrator for the program that we’re proud to be in business with.
We want to make sure our contracts are clear and concise, so our customers and our warranty specialists alike know the ins and outs of what’s covered and what’s not.
Warranties for RV Rentals
With the rising popularity of RVing and creation of companies like RVShare, motorhome rentals have boomed.
We’ve expanded our offerings to meet demand, and we’re excited to announce that our policies will no longer exclude vehicles you wish to rent. That means you can now put an extended RV warranty on the motorhome or towable you only use part-time and lend out the rest, without losing your peace of mind.
Catastrophic Coverage
We discovered there were a number of handy and risk-averse RVers that wanted some coverage but not the most comprehensive policy. For that reason, we created what we consider catastrophic coverage.
This policy covers the most costly items, some of which have price tags of up to $20,000. We consider this chassis only coverage. What’s included is, in short, everything that makes your RV move and steer. It will cover components such as the engine, powertrain, drive axel, and the electrical components inside the engine (alternator, radiator, fuel pumps, fuel injectors, A/C, steering components, suspension system, and braking system).
This option was added for the customers who don’t necessarily need the top level of coverage but want to make sure a catastrophic breakdown won’t render their travel budget spent.
Roadside Assistance
Our roadside assistance program has always been the most comprehensive option available in the market, and the updates we’ve made are no exception to that standard.
Our offerings have expanded to include unlimited towing, key and lockout services, emergency fuel delivery, jumpstarts and battery boosts, and emergency trip interruption for up to $1,000.
In case of an emergency, this coverage also includes a mobile dispatch. Not to mention, you can use this assistance for any reason – not just for breakdowns related to components in your policy.
Previously, there was a $300 towing feature built into our Viking Protection Plan, but we received feedback that the majority of our clients carry a separate roadside assistance policy, and felt they were paying extra for a service they didn’t really use.
We always want to do right by our customers, so we took that feedback and made these two coverages separate, so you can elect to have the additional coverage or not.
Add-On Options
All of our policies feature add-on options, perfect for customizing your plan to fit your travel needs. We’ve discussed our roadside assistance package, but we also feature things like wear and tear coverage and consequential damage coverage.
Wear and tear coverage essentially means that if a component is not working to the manufacturer specifications, it will still be covered and not considered ‘wear and tear’.
When a non-covered part breaks and causes damage to a covered part, that’s considered consequential damage. With the additional coverage in place, this policy would service something like engine failure caused by an inoperative belt (which is a standard maintenance item and not covered under any warranty).
Most verbiage on warranty contracts will explicitly state the original failure as the cause of the breakdown. So if that component wasn’t covered under the contract (the belt in this case) – the warranty company would not pay for the repairs.
Current Policies
All of the coverage within our current contracts will not change. We’ve simply cleaned up our existing products so you can navigate them with less ambiguity.
If you have a policy with us, and you’re wanting to rent out your RV – contact us so we can add that to your existing policy.
If you had our previous Viking Protection Plan, which included some roadside assistance – that will not change, and it’s still available to you.
We’re the brokers of our policies, which means we’re able to offer multiple policies with multiple levels of coverage. When you know your budget and what you want to be covered on your rig, we’re able to pair you with a personalized policy at the best rate.
When you purchase a policy through Wholesale Warranties, our in-house claims support department can assist with any issues. We work with warranty companies and repair facilities alike so you’re not paying for anything out of pocket that should be covered under your policy.
You could say we’re your wing-(wo)man in the warranty world.
RV Extended Warranties
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