About Us
Wholesale Warranties is the premier provider of RV Extended Service Contracts, commonly referred to as RV Extended Warranties. We specialize in selling established and fully-insured service contracts for the RV community, and have solidified our role as RV warranty experts in this expanding industry.
Don't Get Stuck Paying for Common Repairs
Our Commitment to the RV Community
Our field of representation spans the country, and our dedication to providing consumers with top-level coverage and customer service has made us a leading provider of RV warranty protection. We are proud to boast the endorsement and partnership of major players in the RV world, such as Escapees RV Club, along with RV Love, Endless RVing, and more.
We are proud to work for and with this amazing community, and are dedicated to making travel safe and accessible for RVers and prospective RVers through the reliable financial protection our policies provide.

Our Dedicated Customer Support Team
As a client of Wholesale Warranties you will have the opportunity to work directly with our knowledgeable, friendly RV Warranty Specialists, who are highly trained in this industry. We also boast an internal Customer Advocacy department who will facilitate questions on claims, coverage, or even speak directly with your repair facility and warranty company to solve any issues that may arise.
Our friendly staff is dedicated to ensuring you feel comfortable with the coverage you have purchased, and can enjoy the peace of mind an RV Warranty promises. We are here to help you make the best decision for your service contract purchase—even if it is with another provider, or your local dealer.
Our Commitment to Quality Assurance and Customer Advocacy
As a broker, we have the opportunity to be incredibly discerning with what policies and companies we choose to offer to our customers, and we take this very seriously. We are proud to work with providers who have a proven history of fair claims payout and positive customer service. But at the end of the day, we are here first and foremost for our customers.
Our internal Claims Advocacy Staff is here to support you through your claims journey, from answering basic questions to acting as liaison between the adjustor and the repair facility when necessary to ensure all claims that should be covered, are covered.

Our Commitment to Support and Communication
When you purchase a motorhome warranty, travel trailer warranty or any other type of extended service contract with us there are a number of things you can expect: first and foremost, we take pride in our customer service and support. If you have any questions about your recent RV extended warranty purchase we are here to answer them, and our entire office is equipped with individuals who know the details of every service contract we offer.
You will be given all of the information needed to file a claim with your extended warranty–but if you’ve lost this information six months down the line, never hesitate to contact us with questions. Your warranty specialist will offer you clear communication and assistance in filing a claim should you need us, including contact with the RV warranty company as well as your repair facility.
Meet Our Team
Meet our talented individuals dedicated to providing you with the best and most reliable RV warranty options.

Stephen Motz
Buddy Hooker
Dave Johnson
Steve Waggoner
Michael Contreras
Staci Ritchie-Roman

Michele Norman
Desarea Set
Hannah Erbe Smith