Not sure if you should attend that next big RV Rally? We’re here to tell you what you’ve been missing out on.
Anyone who has ever owned and camped in an RV or travel trailer knows that the best part of this lifestyle is the sense of community it brings. It only makes sense, then, that the people are the best part of an RV show. RV Rallies offer a unique opportunity to meet, discuss, and forge friendships with people who have the same interests you do–and often the same coach, hometown, RV club or forum membership. There are tons of tips and tricks to be shared at these events, so those of you who are fairly new to the lifestyle will find the conversation particularly helpful. For example, our RV Warranty Specialists attend these rallies to help inform RVers of all kinds about the cost-effective RV Warranty policies that we offer. We man a booth and offer free RV Extended Warranty quotes to all attendees, and we are happy to offer our expertise on the subject. Every campground experience ends with new friends and a stronger sense of the RV community, and an RV show is truly a magnified version of this amazing community experience.
New RVs On Display
When touting the motivations for attending an RV show, one must not forget about the main attraction: the RVs themselves. Representatives from all RV-related businesses flock to these large RV show events, allowing you to check out the newest and greatest models, accessories, parts and more–without having to make the trip to a pushy, sales-driven dealership. New RV models will be on display for those looking to window shop, compare, or potentially purchase. Have a travel trailer and looking to upgrade? Or did you start with a 40-footer only to realize that you don’t need all of that space? Use the RV show experience to check out new vehicles of all type, class, shape and size–and to get recommendations from your peers–which will help make the transition process easy and well-informed. And while you may only need to bring along a few bucks to pay the inexpensive admission fees, you’ll regret leaving the credit card at home once you see the aisles of vendors offering great “Show-Only!” pricing on your favorite camping items.
Which RV Shows do you attend each year? Sound off in the comments section below!
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