The Perils of RV Sleep

Sleeping in an RV

The Perils of RV Sleep

Sleeping in an RV

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Motorhomes and travel trailers these days are as comfortable as can be—with large beds and living quarters, your bedroom on wheels should be the perfect way to unwind after a long day of travel. However, many new RVers don’t consider the smaller changes that can impact your sleeping habits. For instance, if you are used to living in a busy suburban area or even in a city center, you’ve probably adapted to the sounds of traffic, electricity, and general noise of human life that buzzes around you at all times of the day. When you’re out in your RV, especially in an area like a National Park or other popular boondocking spot, the night can produce a drastically different sleeping environment. Not only will the lack of artificial light provide for a much darker living area, but the noises will be different as well. The sound of animals, weather and rustling trees will replace cars and voices, and while this may seem soothing keep in mind that a pack of coyotes can make quite a bit of noise when riled up in the middle of the night. Additionally, RV’s are not made of the same sturdy materials that your sticks and bricks home was, so things like wind and rain are sure to sound louder and closer from inside your motorhome or travel trailer. This can be soothing for some and bothersome for others, so make sure you look into items like desk fans or humidifiers for a gentle buzz to cover more distant noises.

Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Not all RVers are boondockers, though! And what about the people who live in the country and are used to the sounds of nature? These folks may also be in for a shock when their travels take them to an overnight stay in a parking lot, truck stop, or easily accessible campground just off the highway. The unfamiliar hustle and bustle of constant traffic and neighbors may throw off your sleeping patterns, especially if you’re a light sleeper. In this case we recommend earplugs or sound machines. Sound machines can provide soothing options such as ocean waves or gentle rainstorms, and will help to lull you to sleep even amidst a busy campground. As far as lighting is concerned, the brightness of headlights or lights shining from other campers space, as well as some very early morning sun, may wake you up on a day you planned to sleep in. The window coverings that come standard with most RVs are not sufficient to block these out, so look into some heavier curtains or eye shades if you’re a light sleeper!

And even with all of that information there will be many who find the new sounds of RV life soothing and comfortable—only time will tell! Get out on the road and let us know what you think! But before you hit the pavement, make sure you safeguard yourself with an RV Extended Warranty from Wholesale Warranties. We’ve got great pricing for the most comprehensive coverage on the market, so don’t allow hefty RV repair bills to keep you up at night. Click here to get a no-hassle RV Warranty quote today!

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