How To Save Money By Green RVing

Save Money Green RVing

How To Save Money By Green RVing

Save Money Green RVing

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Maintaining eco-friendly habits while RVing can help protect the land you explore, but it’s often associated with high costs and low comfort. Did you know you can actually save money while ‘going green’ in your rig? Motorhomes typically use less water and energy than an average household. This means traveling in your RV can be more  environmentally friendly (not to mention cheaper) than staying in a hotel.

Just a few extra steps can help capitalize on this green trend! Below are five ways that eco-friendly habits can save you money and make a lasting difference for future generations.

1. Use Nature To Your Advantage

Often times, RVing brings extreme hot and cold temperatures. Running the AC and heating systems constantly will increase your carbon footprint drastically and cost you a pretty penny. Luckily, utilizing natural resources for your RV’s climate control can downplay the need to use both systems.

In cold weather, park your rig to maximize sun exposure and minimize exposure to both north and west winds. Follow these alternative tips to keeping your RV cool while the temperature rises outside.

2. Save Water

Conserving natural resources contributes vastly to responsible travel. Small water tanks make most RVers savvy at saving water, but the following tips can assist in decreasing your water usage while traveling.

  • Take shorter showers
  • Carry hand sanitizer to cut down on hand washing
  • Prepare ‘one-pot’ meals for less dishes and water consumption
  • Turn off faucets when you’re not actively using water
  • Use public toilets when available

3. Try Dry Camping

RV Under The Stars

Not only can dry camping help you save on camping fees, but you’ll have the chance to get up close and personal with nature. There are no hookups to water or electricity, so you’ll be off the cord and conserving both resources. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) offers public land with free, dry camping. Alternatively, you can check with local authorities to make sure that the land you’re looking to call home is indeed free for public use!

4. Minimize Waste

Minimizing waste in your RV and campsite is a simple way to help the environment. Doing your part to clean your campsite is not only an easy way to ‘go green’, but it’s also a major part of RV Etiquette. During cleanup, make an effort to recycle your waste in the appropriate receptacle at the site.

There are simple ways to minimize your everyday waste and save a few dollars doing so, including: reusing consumables such as sandwich bags, refilling plastic water bottles, and only buying what you will eat. Reducing your use of these items can also reduce clutter in an already tight living space.

5. Make Slight RV Modifications

RV Solo

If you’re currently in the market to purchase a new RV, consider choosing one that’s aerodynamic to save on fuel. Manufactures have been trending to design more eco-friendly rigs with front-ends to address wind resistance.

On the other hand, investing in your current RV by making a few modifications can save you dough down the line. Consider these ideas to increasing efficiency in your home-on-wheels:

  • Waste-Grease Fuel System: Many rigs have a stigma of being gas guzzlers on the road. Installing a waste-grease fuel system can eliminate this assumption entirely. Although this modification can be time consuming, if done correctly it can create fuel that is nearly free with close to no negative effects on the environment.
  • LED Lights: By installing LED’s in place of traditional bulbs, you’ll use significantly less electricity. These bulbs will also emit much less heat, keeping your RV cooler in the warmer months.
  • Solar Panels: If your travels bring you to sunny environments, think about investing in solar panels. If you’re dry camping, these are an excellent solution to the lack of electricity hookups.

‘Going green’ in your RV doesn’t have to break the bank or sacrifice comfort. In fact, it might actually save you money in the long run and protect nature for exploration in years to follow. What other ways have you ‘gone green’ during your travels?

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