Tiffin Warranty Information

Everything you need to know about Tiffin RV Factory and Limited Warranties, RV Extended Warranties for your Tiffin Motorhome and More!

The RV Factory Warranty offered by Tiffin Motorhomes Inc is generally a one (1) year or 12,000 mile policy, expiring at time or mileage, whichever comes first. The Tiffin Warranty is also limited to the original purchaser only, and will not transfer to the new coach owner in the event that you decide to sell your rig. These are qualities you will find in almost every Factory RV Warranty on motorhomes, 5th Wheels, and Travel Trailers, including those offered by all of the major manufacturers such as Jayco, Country Coach, Fleetwood, Holiday Rambler, Monaco, Newall and more. As Tiffin Motorhomes and all RV’s become increasingly sophisticated and complex, the expertise required to repair them becomes more and more demanding, thus causing the cost of RV repairs to rise. This, coupled with the short length of original factory warranty, is leading many Tiffin owners to purchase RV Extended Warranties to protect them from these pricey repair bills. 

So how much can an RV owner expect to pay for some of the more common breakdowns after their Tiffin Factory Warranty expires, or if they decide to purchase a used rig? While Tiffin is well-known for being a high quality manufacturer, the cost to repair the inevitable breakdowns of any mechanical component might surprise you. Items such as refrigerators, generators, engines, transmission and drive axles all housed within your Tiffin Motorhome can be extremely expensive to repair or replace, and this cost will have to come out of your RV Budget after your Tiffin Factory Warranty expires. According to claims data from one of the largest RV Extended Warranty programs for Tiffin Motorhomes, the average repair costs for the most common breakdowns are as follows:

Repair costs

Once your Tiffin RV Warranty has run out, these costs could be coming out of your pocket! The next question is: what is the probability that my Tiffin RV will actually suffer a breakdown? Most RV owners are surprised to find that the likelihood of having a major breakdown is much higher than they might rv breakdown statisticsexpect. Recent industry statistics show that over 3 out of every 10 RV’s will need some type of major repair in only their second year of service. By the fifth year this number increases to 8 out of every 10 RV’s, by their 8th year in service nearly every RV will need some type of major mechanical repair.

With these statistics in mind, more and more Tiffin motorhome owners are protecting their investment with an RV Extended Service Contract, otherwise known as an RV Extended Warranty, for their motorhomes. However, it is suggested that you do your homework before dropping thousands of dollars on a RV Warranty that may or may not suit your specific needs. 

These are the top 3 things you should look for when researching an RV Extended Warranty for your Tiffin RV:

  1. Is it backed by an insurance carrier? It is extremely important to make sure the RV Warranty program that is being offered is backed by an insurance carrier who will continue to pay claims in the event that the company goes out of business. In addition to this, getting an AM Best rating for the financial strength of the insurance carrier is a great way to ensure that you are choosing a stable and trustworthy RV Warranty policy.
  2. Reputation: The reputation of the company from whom you are purchasing the policy can be just as important as the reputation of the RV Warranty provider itself. When looking at the issues concerning complaints on Extended Warranties for RV’s, Auto’s, Powersports and most other vehicles the most common problem we find is that the details and limitations of any given contract are not properly explained by the selling party. Describing the coverage and limitations of a more basic RV Extended Warranty plan to the customer is essential to earning and maintaining a great reputation for the long term, which leads us to our last point…
  3. Make sure you understand the “fine print” before purchasing an RV Warranty! Purchase from a provider that helps you to understand what services and repairs are included, and which are excluded, and you will avoid confusion and dissatisfaction when it comes time to use the policy. There are typically several coverage options when it comes to the warranty such as a Comprehensive RV Extended Warranty, and more basic Listed Component RV Extended Warranty, and even basic packages such as Engine and Powertrain RV Extended Warranty Coverage. Click here to learn more about these plans, and be sure to purchase a policy which suits your needs, and offers the peace of mind you’re looking for when protecting your Tiffin motorhome.

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