Exclusionary Warranty - Maximum Coverage
Exclusionary Motorhome Warranty Terms and Conditions
The RV Warranty option that we are recommending for your motorhome is a top-of-the-line policy with the most extensive coverage on the market. This is an exclusionary policy, meaning that you will want to pay close attention the “Exclusions” section of the contract. With an exclusionary RV Warranty, only those items specifically listed in this “What is Not Covered” section will be excluded. Simply put, if your mechanical breakdown was not caused by a condition listed as NOT covered, it will be covered! We highly recommend this type of policy to customers who want to take on very little risk when paying for RV Repairs.
For more information, please feel free to read through the actual terms and conditions of the contract we are quoting. Click below to access the SAMPLE Exclusionary Motorhome Service Agreement.
At Wholesale Warranties we firmly believe in giving our customers every tool necessary to make a confident and informed decision on their RV Extended Warranty purchase. This includes giving you access to the contract before you choose to buy, as well as providing you with every tool possible to facilitate your research. Click below to view a list of accreditations that will help you to learn more about our company.
Or, choose to watch one of our many information videos regarding what you can expect to be covered by a motorhome warranty: