RVing Trends: Where do you fit in?

Rv Going Through Desert

RVing Trends: Where do you fit in?

Rv Going Through Desert

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The Most Common Types of RV Trips!

People from all different walks of life purchase and travel in RV’s every day, and thanks to the wondeful opportunity we have to speak with them day in and day out, we’ve come to realize they often embark on the same types of trips. We’ve spotted the Snowbirds, the Full-Timers, the Boondockers and the Weekenders. Are you in one of these groups?


Probably the most well-known type of RVer, snowbirds are travelers that escape the biting cold of winter and head south in their motorhomes or towables to spend some time in the sun. Often frequenting Florida, Texas, Arizona and California, the snowbird season is highly anticipated by the warm communities who welcome them with open arms each year. Population numbers skyrocket with their arrival–and so does business! Places like Quartzsite, AZ, for instance, go from a small population of just over 3,000 to hundreds of thousands in the months of December, January and February.


This is all about the RVers whose trips never end! There is no better way to see this country (and beyond!) than spending your life on the road. Full-timing is an amazing and increasingly popular lifestyle, but there is a lot of planning that goes into living solely in your home on wheels. If you’re thinking about going full-time a great resource to aid your transition can be found through our friends at RV-Dreams.com. We also always recommend that Full-Timers look into comprehensive RV Warranty policies, as their coaches are used more often than most. Constant wear and tear on the mechanical components of your vehicle can result in breakdowns quicker, so even if your rig is brand new you may still want to invest in a motorhome warranty policy.


There’s likely to be a bit of cross over in this category, as almost every RV owner will experience boondocking at one time or another. However, there are many campers who not only prefer boondocking, but make a point to only travel in this manner! Boondockers are usually nature buffs looking for an undisturbed trip in the serenity of amazing scenic surroundings. This group of RVers can be found in the desert–such as the Duners who like to find a secluded stretch of land to enjoy with their ATVs–the mountains, by rivers and in National Parks. Nature lovers will enjoy the freedom that camping outside of an RV park can provide.


This group of RVers usually take shorter trips closer to home, and often travel with their family–kids, grandkids, and more! RVing is a great way to spend quality time with a big group of your loved ones, and even a relatively local destination will feel miles away when you’re on a long awaited RV trip. Weekenders often visit big attractions like amusement parks, and enjoy full-service campgrounds that offer activities like large swimming pools and even miniature golf courses. RV travel, especially of this nature, is most popular in the summer, so get out there and enjoy a few more camping trips before the cooler weather and shorter days creep back in!

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