RV Boondocking Guide: Tips for Fun & Safety

RV Boondocking Guide

RV Boondocking Guide: Tips for Fun & Safety

RV Boondocking Guide

Table of Contents:

Planning a boondocking trip? You’ve come to the right place! Boondocking doesn’t have to be a challenging experience. Plan ahead and you’ll be ready to get away from it all. In this blog, we’ll discuss some important tips for you to be comfortable and safe out in the middle of nowhere. We’ll also chat about fun activities you can enjoy while unplugged.

Down to Basics

Your boondocking trip is supposed to be relaxing and quiet! While we all love our neighbors, it’s good to get away and have some tranquility. When you’re thinking about your next boondocking trip, planning will be the perfect recipe for a great time. Here is a list of things you shouldn’t forget before you hit the road:

Any RVer knows that a perfect trip comes with a lot of planning and prepping. Forgetting something while you’re in a remote area can make your experience difficult. Having a checklist handy will ensure you’re ready for your next journey. First on your list should be making sure that your rig is ready to take you to your destination. Maintenance checks are essential and ensure everyone’s safety. Here is a list of maintenance items you should check before hitting the road.

Now, let’s figure out where you want to go! A responsible RVer knows where to go before taking off. Finding a legal place to stay is important. You don’t want to stay on someone’s private property, even if it’s an accident. BLM (The Bureau of Land Management) is sure to be your safest bet. BLM land is free and seemingly endless! There are plenty of resources for RVers to find the perfect safe, legal, and comfortable campsite. Check out the list below! What’s your go-to resource for finding a boondocking site?

  1. The Bureau of Land Management
  2. The Dyrt
  3. Campendium
  4. National Forests and National Grasslands
  5. Ultimate Campgrounds

Smart Tips

Conserve Water

If you plan to boondock for more than 5 days, conserve as much water as you can. Remember, there are no hookups when you’re dry camping! We promise, saving water is the hardest part about boondocking. First, you’ll want to change the way you use your water. When you use the bathroom, flush with gray water instead. When you’re done showering or cleaning your dishes, use that now gray water to flush the toilet.

Next, you’ll want to shower as quickly as possible! Give yourself a maximum of 5 minutes to shower. Showering every day might not be possible. Shoot for a shower every other day for maximum conservation.

If you plan to boondock often, consider investing in a composting toilet. These toilets don’t use any freshwater. If emptying your black tank is something you dread, a composting toilet might be the way to go! For more tips on your holding tanks, check out this blog!

Pack It In, Pack It Out

Having proper camping etiquette ensures that everyone is respecting public spaces. Imagine camping in a beautiful serene nature scene, only for it to be littered with trash and unwanted items. Whatever you pack in, make sure to pack out. Pack your trash out, put out any campfires, and never dump your tanks on the ground. Always leave something better than how you found it!

Powered Up?

Before you start on your boondocking adventure, make sure you know how much power your rig uses in an average day. Bring a backup battery just in case! If you are a true boondocker, investing in solar might be for you. This way, you know you’ll always have power no matter where you go. There are some easy ways to conserve power as well. Bring along headlights, LED lights, and batteries to power up once it gets dark outside.

Prepare for Emergencies

It’s easy to think about the fun stuff, but the truth is, you also have to think and plan for emergencies. When you’re prepared, you can tackle anything! First, you’ll want to have options to communicate. Bring your cell phone and walkie-talkies. Most likely, you will not have cell phone reception out in nature. When Plan A doesn’t work, go to Plan B. Using Walkie-Talkies is a reliable way to communicate with your party or others nearby.

Next, pack an emergency kit. You can purchase an all-inclusive emergency kit here. Remember, better safe than sorry. Your kit should include food and water for a couple of days, a first aid kit, a radio, flare light, and essentials to keep you warm.

Additionally, you should also bring some tools and extra fuel. Getting stuck in the middle of nowhere is no fun. Bring extra fuel if you know you will be far from towns and people. Bringing a small tool kit can also save you if you run into some minor mechanical issues during your trip. Small fixes can easily be done with the right tools! If a breakdown does happen, having a warranty to rely on can bring peace of mind. Warranties help you cover the cost of repairs when unexpected breakdowns occur.

Ready for Fun!

Sand Dunes

So, what exactly do people do when they boondock? Besides relaxation and the typical camping activities, people usually head to the desert to play with their outdoorsy toys! These include ATVs and dirt bikes. RVers with fifth-wheels and toy haulers tend to be boondocking junkies! These RVs are great for getting your big kid toys out to the desert. Of course, any type of RV is welcome to boondock. The space is unlimited! Not worrying about whether your home-on-wheels can fit is one of the great things about boondocking.

Fishing and hiking are boondocking favorites too! If hiking is your go-to activity, check out All Trails. This app is a nature lovers favorite. Finding the best hiking trails with details such as distance, elevation, and difficulty. If you prefer to be close to a body of water, the BLM website offers many options for you to choose the perfect destination.

Enjoying Life on the Go

Being an RV traveler is a gift. There’s nothing quite like being able to pack your home-on-wheels and go just about anywhere! Do you enjoy boondocking? Tell us about your favorite place to go in the comments below!

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